Sorcar Engineering, Inc.  
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Sorcar Engineering takes immense pride in their designs for lighting systems which is a balance of engineering and art. For each project the impact of psychology, physiology, and aesthetics are taken into consideration to provide a system that will utilize cutting-edge technology with energy-saving and economy in mind. The innovative lighting designs of Sorcar Engineering have become so well recognized that many a times this firm is called upon exclusively to design the lighting systems for multi-million dollar facilities, even when the rest of the electrical engineering is committed to nationally recognized consulting firms.

To provide focused service to clients, Sorcar Engineering's lighting services is divided into two parts:
Architectural Lighting is for facilities such as commercial buildings, art galleries, airports, shopping centers, museums, historic buildings, educational facilities, etc., utilizing sources such incandescent, fluorescents, high intensity discharge, LED's, fiber optics etc.

Theatrical Lighting is for stage shows, concerts, special events etc. utilizing overhead RGB floods, spots, side-trees, footlights, gobo-based moving-head intelligent lights, laser beams, laser animation etc. For more information, visit LaserLight Magic.
© 2005, Sorcar Engineering, Inc.